Wah Tung always commits to conduct operations in order to comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations ISO 14001:2015, and endeavour to mitigate the adverse effect of the operations on the environment. We dedicated to allocate resources to equip factories with clean energy source, reduces carbon dioxide and provides a healthy working environment.
Environmental Protection
We place great emphasis on our environmental responsibilities. Among the measures we have taken to save resources and minimize waste is a comprehensive energy-management system for maximum efficiency, energy saving and carbon reduction.
Green Office
Our environmental philosophy permeates every facet of our Group, from development works to office operations. We utilize resources efficiently, reduce waste and encourage recycling. We have implemented the following initiatives in our offices:
Indoor temperature maintained at between 23-25 degrees Celsius.
Plants introduced to improve IAQ Index in site offices and for decorative purposes.
Paper printed on one side is reused for printing, while paper printed on both sides is recycled.
Environmental protection, energy saving and green office information is displayed on the notice board for employees to read.