Personal Information Collection Statement
This PICS sets out the policies of Wah Tung Holdings Limited ("Wah Tung") and your rights as data subject in relation to the personal data held by Wah Tung.
Compliance with Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486) ("PD(P)O")
Wah Tung will comply with the requirements of the PD(P)O.
Purposes for Collection of Personal Data
Wah Tung will collect your personal data for the following purposes :
for responding to your enquiry and communication;
for consideration of your work experience and suitability for the job vacancies within the Wah Tung Group as advertised on its website :;
for forming part of job candidates data base necessary for the operation carried on by the Human Resources Department of Wah Tung;
for observing any legal, governmental or regulatory requirements of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or other relevant jurisdiction including any disclosure or notification requirements to which Wah Tung is subject; and/or
for any other purposes related to and/or in connection with and/or for the furtherance of any of the above purposes.
Collection and Scope of Personal Data
All personal data will be collected on a voluntary, open and fair basis. Whilst you are entitled to refuse to provide or withhold the disclosure or provision of any of the aforesaid personal data, incomplete disclosure may prevent Wah Tung from conducting a complete assessment of your suitability for a particular position or shortlisting you for an interview or from assisting you in your enquiry or communication.
Accuracy of Personal Data
Wah Tung will take all practicable steps to ensure that the personal data so collected are accurate, having regard to the purposes set out above. However, your efforts to provide accurate personal data in your resume or enquiry or communication (if applicable) and thereafter to update Wah Tung of any change in your personal data may be appreciated.
Security and Storage of Personal Data
All personal data are stored in a secure place and/or system to the extent that any unauthorized access is strictly prohibited.
Transfer and Disclosure
Unless you shall have notified Wah Tung to the contrary, your personal data may be transferred and/or disclosed to:
Employees and officers of Wah Tung; and/or
partners or affiliated, associated or subsidiary companies of Wah Tung in the event of a job vacancy which is commensurate with your work experience and qualification.
If you have any question regarding the personal data privacy issue or policy, you may contact our HR Department at Room 2502 – 2504, 25/F., Global Gateway Tower, 63 Wing Hong Street, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
We are an equal opportunity employer and welcome applications from all qualified candidates. Information provided will be treated in strict confidence and only be used for consideration of your application for the relevant post within the Company. Applicants who are not invited for an interview within 6 weeks may consider their applications unsuccessful.
Wah Tung Facade Company Limited
Room 2502-2504, 25/F., Global Gateway Tower, 63 Wing Hong Street,
Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2488 4545
Fax: (852) 2488 4229

Copyright © 2024 by Wah Tung Facade Company Limited